It’s not too early to start saving the date for Winter Camp! We will be going to Forest Home January 27th- 29th. If your students have never experienced camp at Forest Home they are in for a great time! Giant Swing, Worship with friends, and Milkshakes are just some of the great traditions they will get to look forward too! Watch the Forest Home promo video below for a better glimpse of what to expect

City Search October 27th!!!

City Search is BACK! We are excited for this event as a fun way for students to work together and an easy way for students to invite their friends to be a part of our community here at Oasis!

What: City Search is a task oriented scavenger hunt around Scripps where students will be driving to different locations and completing tasks while capturing the moment. It is a ton of fun!

When: October 27th at 7:00 pm

Where: Meet at the Cove!

We still need drivers for this event! If you are available to be a scavenger hunt driver please contact Pastor Sekwohn at [email protected]. This event can’t happen without you!

“Where Are You Going?” Fall 22

Sermon Series

What is the greatest commandment in all of scripture? The Pharisees asked this same question to Jesus while he was on Earth. However, their questions was not coming from a place of innocence but in trying to catch Jesus in a “gotcha moment”. Jesus responded with the correct Old Testament answer “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’This is the first and greatest commandment.” He also added on the next line “And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself” It says in the same chapter that the crowds and teachers of the law were ASTONISHED at his teachings!

Join Pastor Sekwohn as we look deeper into the Greatest Commandment and ask questions like

How can we love your neighbor as yourself if you do not see the love God has for you?

What does the Christian version of self- love and self esteem look like? 

Sponsor a Youth Fundraiser!

This past Sunday was the first official day of our Sponsor a Youth Fundraiser at Canyon Springs. We have already raised an amazing $1,500!!! What an incredibly generous church community we have! Remeber, 100%  OF THE MONEY RAISED WILL GO DIRECTLY TO OUR YOUTH FUND so that we can continue to create an awesome mid week experience for 6th-12th graders at Canyon Springs.

Parent’s Corner

Each week we will be linking an article here that we think might be helpful to you as you disciple your student throughout the year. We love being able to partner with the many amazing parents we have here at Canyon Springs!

Talking church with your teenager and young adult

Answering the Questions “Why do we even go to church?”

Encouraging participation over attendance

What’s Coming Up:

Take a look at all our great events coming up this Fall! Mark your calendars for these awesome events!

  • City Search 10/27

  • Friendsgving 11/17

  • Christmas Party 12/8

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