This Week

We have a whole night dedicated to worship and prayer this wed instead of typical midweeks. We have the San Diego Christian band coming to lead us in worship. It will be a great night and is at our regular time from 730-9PM.

Camp Signups are LIVE!! 

You can register and get all the details for Winter X High School Winter Camp by clicking HERE.

Balances are due by 2/1/2020

Packing list and itinerary for Winter X can be found HERE

Next Week

We have regular midweeks next week and then no midweeks the week after!!

On the Radar

We have our 2020 Spring Calendar LIVE. You can access it by clicking HERE. 

This calendar has everything up until our last small group in MAY

Houseboats dates are solidified and it is July 12th-17th.

Winning at Home

***This section will always have something for YOU as the parent. It may be a blog I read somewhere or an article from the internet. Sometimes it will be something from me directly or a recap of a current message we went through at church***

Parenting Styles

I found this blog really interesting. I also am happy I do not have a teenager yet 😂 This sounds really hard….Walking the balance of not being a helicopter parent and at the same time giving kids discipline, problem solving techniques and health without being overly bearing sounds really difficult. My hat is off to anyone that attempts to walk that line! 

Two recent studies have reinforced earlier research and conclusions about different parenting styles:

1) Parents who utilize a so-called “strength-based parenting style” identify their children’s strengths, affirm these strengths in their kids and assist in helping their kids build them. Kids whose parents employ this style of parenting were found to be better able to cope with stress and adapt to new life situations.

2) On the other hand, helicopter parents, those who are overinvolved in their kids’ lives and prone to control, solve problems, make decisions and intervene in their children’s conflicts were found to produce negative effects. Researchers discovered that children of helicopter parents were more likely to have low self-esteem and engage in at-risk behaviors.

What Can Parents Do?

– Understand that parents who are controlling don’t help their kids to become healthy adults. In fact, controlling parents become obstacles to their teens’ development into healthy adulthood.

– Kids flourish and become healthy with parents who are involved, but not controlling. Involved parents provide a lot of support and affirm strengths they see in their kids, but provide them with the space to learn how to solve their own problems, experience consequences for both good and bad decisions, and to learn from their mistakes.

– Take some time to evaluate your own parenting style. How does your parenting style serve to help your teenager become a healthy adult? How does it serve to stunt your teenager’s development? What changes to your parenting style should you make in order to become a more effective parent


I am praying and rooting for you and your family,

Chad Richards

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