This Week
We have MIDWEEKS at the cove from 730-9PM. We are starting our new series called, “Not a Fan.” It is all about understanding what it means to be a follower of Jesus and not just a fan.
Camp Signups are LIVE!!
You can register and get all the details for Winter X High School Winter Camp by clicking HERE.
We only have 90 spots and this trip WILL sell out so register ASAP!
Next Week
We will have midweeks and church!
On the Radar
Remember you can always access our full FALL calendar HERE
Winning at Home
***This section will always have something for YOU as the parent. It may be a blog I read somewhere or an article from the internet. Sometimes it will be something from me directly or a recap of a current message we went through at church***
I have been sharing this video with everyone. It is one of the most viewed TED talks and its only 6 minutes!! This TED talk is so applicable to leadership and parenting. Enjoy!
I am praying and rooting for you and your family,
Chad Richards
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