Creekside 2019 was one for the books! We ate far too much ice cream, stayed up way too late, and danced so much that we overheated the projector in the Chapel! In the midst of all the fun, students were able to form connections with their friends, their leaders, and most importantly, the Lord. With 15 kids committing their lives to God for the very first time, we had an incredibly impactful trip that we will not forget. Why do we do a camp like this?
We do these camps because we truly believe that a kid comes into contact with God on these camps. It happens because when they go on these camps they are able to unplug. They get away from the technology, social media and sports and they escape the busyness of life. It happens because they are pressing into God multiple times throughout the day with all of the worship and messages. It is no wonder that these kids come back feeling they have connected with God because they truly DO! Now, how do we keep our kids refreshed and plugged into God? Well, I think the same principals apply. Teaching them to escape the busyness, slow down and press into God…Whatever that looks like for them. Wether that is reading the Bible, praying or listening to worship music. These kids CAN stay connected to God if they would just learn to apply what Jesus has always said, “Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life” (Matthew 11:28-30 MSG)
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