Before we get to all our VBS fun from today….
Your kids may have come home telling you about our awesome mid-week programs that will start after kids head back to school!
AWANA is for kindergarten through 3rd graders and meets on Wednesday nights from 5:15pm-6:45pm. The registration is typically $80 but we are offering a significant discount for our VBS Trekkers. Sign up now for just $50! Here’s the link (and more details):
Club 45
Club 45 is for 4th & 5th graders and meets on Monday nights from 6pm-8pm at the Cove. It is FREE but we still need you to register so we know how many to expect.
Please email Lesley Hyatt at if you have any questions.
Back to VBS
So…we are over the hump – and we could feel the energy today! Day 4 just might have been the best day so far! It was crazy color spirit day – and boy, did we have a lot of fantastic dress up outfits?! The trekkers were bursting with color!! Throughout our morning activities, we continued our tournament and visited a bunch of great rotations.
At Rec the kids played some water games and had a blast throwing the sponges- and I believe some many leaders got some messy whipped cream high fives! During music we learned some new awesome dance moves to the song “What You’re Made For.” We also surprised the kids by rocking out to a fan favorite “Yes to VBS” at the end of the day. After listening to the CD all week, I’m sure your kids know all the words.
In Story time the kids heard the story from John 20:1-18. Our encounter with Jesus today was AT THE TOMB! On the third day after Jesus had died on a cross and been buried, Mary Magdalene went to the tomb. As she approached the tomb, she saw that the stone had been rolled away. Mary went and told Peter and John who came to see for themselves. After Peter and John left, Mary looked into the tomb. She saw two angels. They asked why she was crying. A man standing nearby asked who she was looking for. Mary thought the man was the gardener, but when He said her name she recognized His voice. It was Jesus! He sent Mary to share the amazing news with His disciples. Jesus is alive!
At the end of the day, Ms. Jilane on the Mission Train came up to tell us how many more uniforms we were able to provide for the kids in Tijuana. Today we added 5 more uniforms! That’s great, but I know we can do better! Ranger Jobie shared that if everyone brought in just $1 tomorrow we would have enough money to buy 6 more uniforms!
And if each person brought in FIVE DOLLARS, well then we would have enough to buy THIRTY uniforms for kids in Mexico. That would be AMAZING!!
Please join us in helping these kids in need. Thank you!
Directly following VBS at 12:00 we will have hot dogs, chips, cotton candy, bounce houses and time to hang out and enjoy fellowship with your VBS friends! Join us. A $5 donation per family is suggested!
VBS Mexico Day Trip (Saturday, 6/29/19)
If you or your family are interested in joining us for our VBS Mexico trip this Saturday to visit the kids of Vision De Dios and provide them with a taste of the fun that we’ve had this week, please go online and register:
Teaser Pictures
We cannot wait for the final day for our trekkers on our safari! Tomorrow is no dress up day; just wear your VBS shirt!
Our memory verse for the week is:
But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.
~John 20:31
Thank You!
We can’t wait to see all our trekkers tomorrow!
Your Rangers, Lesley & Jobie
and the rest of the Wilderness Crew
P.S. Use Hashtag #CSCVBS2019 on all of your pictures so we can share in your fun!
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