Quarterly Update & Giving Statement (July – September 2018)
Dear Church Family,
We kicked off celebrating 20 years of God’s work through Canyon Springs this month. The first Sunday of the celebration I spoke about how the verses in Acts 2:42-47 describe the community God has built here at Canyon Springs. I would like to take a moment to focus in on one particular part, . . . and enjoying the favor of all the people, the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved. Acts 2:47. Soak that in for a moment. This verse paints a picture of the results of the early Acts church and encourages us today. Our relational, emotional, and financial generosity as Jesus followers can and should overwhelm our neighbors with His love. I believe we are doing just that. Grateful for your stewardship, I want to take a moment to update you on how God is using the resources you give back to Him thru Canyon Springs by enlarging His territory and impacting our community.
- Summer was remarkable for missions at CSC. Over 44 people from our church went to serve in either Alaska or Belize. Both trips put on a VBS (with over 18 commitments for Christ) and an outreach event for the communities. In Belize, two roofs were built and much needed food delivered to families. We had a book drive for the soon to be built library at Good Rest Mission. The result will be over 500 of French-Creole books filling the shelves by the year’s end.
- Jilane’s office is packed as we had a successful “Christmas in August” by filling shoeboxes for Christmas gifts headed down to our neighbors in Tijuana, December 9th.
- God is moving through Oasis with our youth as Houseboats hosted its biggest (200 youth!!) crowd yet while seeing 20 first time commitments to Christ. Oasis hosted Sink or Swims throughout the summer with at least 45 kids attending each time. This provided an opportunity for the leaders to share their testimony and strengthen their relationship with the kids.
- Twenty couples went off to the Marriage Retreat weekend getaway to connect, recharge, and have a little fun while attending to their marriage.
- We held our 2nd annual community Back From Summer Taco & Dogzz Picnic at the local park to provide time for us to fellowship and connect with our neighbors over good food, sno-cones, games like knockerball and football.
- Kid City kicked off this fall with a splash as Club 45 had 50 clubbers at the opening pool party and AWANA is building Incredible faith in over 69 clubbers. One mom remarked,”They are learning about God and getting fired up about Him and His words. His energy is so clear, so powerful, and so positive within the room.”
- Parenting is tough. Can I get an amen! We brought Hannah Branch, a marriage and family therapist, to walk us through creating our own parenting style that mirrors God’s love, reflects His forgiveness, and displaces fear as a motivator for behavior for two nights of workshops.
- Youth then kicked off the fall with “Battle of the Grades”, challenging each grade to lead a whole Sunday Service. It was a powerful way to challenge them in making faith their own.
- 10 Steps Further podcast has continued to grow with over 2000 downloads a month. Helping people get one step further in their walk with Jesus, has found the message being discovered by people in over 25% of the world’s countries!
- Small Group ministry is on Fire! People are pulling “up a chair” and joining small groups. We had more people than ever want to get involved, kicking the fall season with 33 Small Groups!
I was trying to keep this letter to just a page but there was incredible things that happened during the past three months that I had to share. Canyon Springs is equipping people in our to church to GO and BE the hands and feet of Jesus here, there and everywhere in order to reach the Next One. We are grateful for your willingness to steward the resources God has given you by giving back to Him through Canyon Springs. Thank you! Finally, join me in praising our Father who deserves all the glory for what only He could do in and through us.
In His Service,
Pastor Jack
PS: Photos from many of the above mentioned can be viewed on our Flickr Account!
If you have additional questions about CS finances and our stewardship please feel free to email me at jack@canyonsprings.org or call 858-414-7777.
Canyon Springs Giving Update:
2018 Giving Budget: $989,820 *Based on history, a good portion of our annual giving is received at the end of the year. |
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