Dear Canyon Springs Family,

In early February, we held our annual congregational meeting as well as spoke in-service about the financial health of our church. Talking about money is typically not the most favorite thing for a pastor to speak about. Yet, I know Canyon Springs is not MY church. It is Jesus’ church and together we are the stewards, the fiscal agents of His church. This is why the Elder Board and our staff invite you to join us in the stewarding of the resources God has given Canyon Springs. Therefore, we wanted to provide you a brief recap of the meeting in case you missed it.



We went Here, There, and Everywhere in 2017 as you responded in wanting to be a part of what God was doing through Canyon Springs.

  • As a result giving increased by 14% and we exceeded $1 million in income allowing us to go above and beyond in reaching the Next One. For a summary of what we did check out this video about what God did in 2017.


Now comes the exciting part! God isn’t asking Canyon Springs to sit back and rest after 2017. He is asking us to push forward in building HIs Kingdom.

  • Besides Haiti and Belize we are headed to Alaska – an unchurched frontier here in America.
  • We have an opportunity to grow our podcast, 10 Steps Further, as God is using it to reach people everywhere to grow in their walk with Jesus. We have two goals for our podcast. The first goal I set was to reach more people on our podcast then we reach on Sunday’s. My initial thought was that we would reach that goal by the end of 2018 but with over 1100 downloads in January, I think we will reach that goal in the first 6 months. So we’ve upgraded our goal to reach 5000 monthly listeners by the end of the year.
  • Our kids and youth programming is at the core of Canyon Springs. We want to raise up the next generation for Christ. Last year was a signature year with VBS growing over 60% and Oasis camps growing by 30%. This year we want to retain that growth, see even more kids come learn about Jesus and increase our community outreach by being involved in events like the 4th of July Parade.
  • We are opening our doors at the COVE to help church plant a Latino church. We are able to use our “empty” Sunday space to help raise up another church that is seeking to bring Jesus to our neighbors.

This is just some of what we are up to in 2018. We are also faced with some unique challenges. Health care costs increased by $15,000 and our rent by $20,000 (due to a new owner with a new tax base). The need has grown for 2018. We will trust God to provide. We are excited to see God show up not in just our finances, but by using Canyon Springs to bring the message of God’s hope and love to our community and beyond.

What can you do?

  • Pray. Pray for God’s provision this year for the ministry of Canyon Springs.
  • Plan. If you call Canyon Springs your home church will you and your family pray about how you can partner with God here at Canyon Springs through your giving? “So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of obligation; for God loves a cheerful giver” 2 Corinthians 9:7 God is clear that we should not give just because we feel obligated. We are to be cheerful givers, out of gratitude, worship and in expectation of how God is going to use what is given. Visit for giving options.
  • Participate. Join a small group, serve in a ministry, or join us for an outreach event. God wants to work in and through you this year. He is wants to bless you more than you can imagine by being part of His community.

In 2018, God is leading us to make bigger and bolder plans to reach our community. By supporting Canyon Springs, you are part of God’s transformation of lives. By the giving of your God-given time, talent, and treasure, you are investing in eternity as God’s love is reaching our community! Again, thank you!

In Him,

Jack Hawkins
Senior Pastor

If you have additional questions about CS finances and our stewardship please feel free to email me at or call 858-414-7777.