Next week is our LAST week of Club 45 for this session!!  (We’ll start back up in January, after camp.)

Camp sign Ups: We are full and have moved to a waiting list. We’ve called Forest Home camp to see if they are willing to give us a few more spots. So… if your child is interested in going, you need to email Chrissy Ippolito ASAP (!

Our mixer was “Find the Person with the Other…”. The clubbers each got a household item and had to find the other clubber with the same item – then say each other’s names and find out their grade & school. The kicker was that we turned the lights down so it was almost dark! We did that three times – super fun!

During Club Teaching Time we learned the Fifth Commandment; Honor Your Mother and Father. We talked about what the word honor means and how honoring our parents is honoring to God. We also recognized that Jesus modeled this commandment in that he obeyed his earthly parents (Luke 2:51) and his heavenly Father (Matthew 26:39). This commandment is unique in that it’s the first one with a promise attached to it! It’s also the first commandment to address loving others; the first four commandments talk about loving God. God wanted us to learn the importance of loving and respecting Him before we could learn to love others.

Next we read a story about a girl named Jackie, who did not always exhibit the best and most honoring attitude towards her mom. As the story was narrated, we identified the dishonoring attitudes and behaviors (for example: eye rolls, sassy mouth, lying, talking behind their backs, calling them names, yelling etc.).

We played a game called “Will you feed the dog, please?” Half of the clubbers played the parents and the other half played the kids. One of the “parents” asked one of the “kids” to please feed the dog. There were many different responses to this question and we identified which were honoring and which were not. We talked about how our tone makes a big difference when we talk to our parents.

We finished our time with our small groups where we talked about ways to turn bad behavior around and turn it into honoring our parents. They also filled out Honor Cards; please ask your child about this and let us know if you hear the phrase, “What can I do to help?” J

Our verse for the week is:

Honor your father and mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you.”  Exodus 20:12

Every week there is a verse to memorize.  Your child will be rewarded with a sweet treat for each verse committed to memory.  Have them find the verse checker to recite the verse during “Club Time”.

 Our challenge verse is our Club 45 Theme Verse: Psalms 1:1-3 (It’s on the first page of their workbooks.) If this is memorized there will be a onetime reward for all who take this on. HOORAY TO TOMMY MANSOR, BELLA CHAMBERS AND AVA SCHRAMM WHO MEMORIZED THE CLUB VERSE!!! 

Next week is our LAST week of Club 45!!  (until January) We will wrap up this session with a pajama party – and a night with lots of fun and goodies! Don’t miss it!!

Thank you,

The Club 45 team