The Canyon Springs community came together to do God’s work, helping to raise the roof at Iglesia Vision de Dios! Daniel Williams sent us pictures and a kind thank you note for all that was done:

Hola hermanos y hermanas (Hello brothers and sisters),

Gracias and Thank You to all who prayed, worked and donated. This project has had such incredible support getting launched and completed.

It was no small project building a roof spanning 30 by 70 feet. So many workers, tons of materials and tasty lunches for everyone!!!

Iglesia Vision de Dios has bought the land, built walls and now have a roof. We worked side by side, it was a blessing!

Thank you and may God Bless you for your support of prayer, effort and contributions. A special thanks to all who worked with us in Mexico.

Daniel Williams
John 7:38

Raise the Roof Images